My Diamond Ring.

If you found my Diamond ring,

You’d feel lucky enough to sing.

If you found my Diamond ring,

Three wishes would I grant to thee.

If you found my Diamond ring,

Grow old you’d do.

For each wish you’d make

ten years would I take,

and my brother, Death, would awaken

and in the night you’d be taken,

never be mistaken,

For greed, indeed is a sin

As is wasting life.

One life gone in the blinking of mine eye.

If you were unlucky enough to find my Diamond ring

you’d run dear, run.

This poem is one of many in my poetry book, ‘Return of a Whistle’ now on Amazon, head over and search R.J.Dunning to buy your copy and help support new authors.

Listen to the Rhythm

Do you Remember the song ‘Listen to the rhythm of the pouring Rain’ by The Cascades. Well this is my poem inspired by that song, you can read it or sing it in time to the music if you remember it well enough. I enjoyed writing this piece, poems have been coming to me less often of late but this little poem just came to me as I was brushing my teeth. I hope you enjoy it.

Listen to the Rhythm of the dying Earth

Telling you of all the pain its seen,

If only you could see the evil in this world,

Then maybe you would change your ways.

Rain, rain wash away all the despair

Help people see the truth that really hides out there

As we see the Hell, the trials, the suffering of all your beings.

(de de de de da de da)

Listen to the rhythm of the dying Earth,

Showing you it’s suffocating soul,

Please change your ways or you will see no future here

We do not have a planet B.

Rain, rain wash away all the despair,

As all the animals choke on plastic waste out there,

They fear, they dread, they die and its all as a result of mankind.

(de de de de da de da)

Listen to the rhythm of the dying Earth,

As animals are killed night and day,

They only want to be in peace and left alone

But we took away their babies again.

Rain, rain wash away all the despair,

please help man see what he is doing here,

It’s only when the last tree’s gone that he will see what he’s done.

If only I could heal the Earth

and help all beings

But all alone I cannot do.

(de de de de da de da)