Covid 19

I have been inside now since the fourteenth of march, university closing on that day due to three students and a lecturer being confirmed to have the virus. I don’t mind being indoors, I’m used to working at home being a writer. I do miss hiking and going off for the day, to the beach or the peak district with my friend Emily but we can go again once this is over. I am gutted that I shall have to push my road trip around Scotland back, I was due to go in my new Campervan Thelma, to travel the highlands, write my next novel, which is based up there and visit battle sites for my studies. I would have combined my leisure with my writing work with my university work, all from one three week trip, but it wasn’t to be.

The reason I feel deeply about this pandemic is because it was inevitable. This plague is Zoonotic, coming from the way we keep and eat animals. Just like all the other virus’s to come out in the last couple of decades, SARS, bird flu, swine flu. Humans never learn. I am Vegan, so when people use the term, “It’s my personal choice, it doesn’t effect you” Well, yes it does. ‘Carnists’ are forcing the whole world into quarantine, because of the worlds desire for flesh we all have to suffer. Have you ever heard of a Banana flu, a avocado disease, No. By going vegan we not only improve our health, the health of the planet, the health and well being of the animals, save water and leave a world behind for our children, we also stop plagues and virus’s like this from happening. The evidence is overwhelming now, we must go vegan. Please watch, Earthlings, land of hope and glory, game changers, forks over knives and ‘cowspiracy’. Educate yourself if you care at all for the planet and the whole human race before it’s too late, before we cause our own extinction.

From Death.

From Death,

Life blooms

green shoots, reach for the heavens

petals, yellow, dance in the winds.

Amid chaos

clarity pours forth.

We see now, what we have done,

Forsaken our Mother

condemned her to silence

threatening our very existence.

Suffocation, Greed

the need to feed

on flesh, secretions and gore.

From destruction

will come a new world

For at least a while.

For man will never learn

no matter the outcome

we will never learn.

And yet I yearn,

for the change.

So I write my poetry

I shout out the truth

in hopes than one may listen

and I could bring about that change,

one person at a time.

For I am the change I wish to see in the world.

From death

life shall bloom.