Behind the Mask

Standing in the Town centre with my Friends and fellow Activists I feel proud, to be raising awareness for the plight of those who cannot speak. When you are the one behind the mask you get to see all the reactions of the public and let me tell you, they vary greatly. You watch as mothers and fathers walk up close, wondering who we are, their children ask what the footage is, and when they realise they hold their hands over the children’s eyes saying “don’t look, don’t watch this” and they leave. If its too horrific to see then how can you eat it, its not good enough to watch but its good enough to eat? You must know how your food is made. We show only the truth, filmed in the UK on red tractor approved farms. Those animals deserve to be seen, in respect for what was done to them.

I see faces of men as they come close, then see the footage, they shake their head at us, for showing the footage, its not us that are doing this, its is you who are paying for it, maybe shake your head at yourself and change your ways. I see groups of younger men, boys, approach in a group for safety, they laugh, call us weirdos and shout abuse at us, “Get a life” “Bacon” Even personal insults, “Wash your hair, ginger” How can they make light of torture and murder of earths most vulnerable and innocent creatures.


I watch from behind my mask as the curious approach, and an activist asks them “Have you seen footage like this? How does it make you feel?” They say its shocking, awful and wrong. “Do you eat meat?” Yes they say, its just what happens, its the circle of life. No it is not the circle of life. We breed thousands of these poor animals into existence by ‘artificial insemination’ Rape to the animal. Just so we can kill and eat them, fattening them up in cages and pens, sending them to slaughter crammed onto trucks, making them watch as their friends and family are slaughtered in front of them, all while they are still babies and all they have known is cruelty from the hands of humans. Non of that is natural, nature is cruel, but man is the devil. In nature animals breed, or mate are free and when a lion kills, it kills one, to survive. Man kills hundreds of thousands every day, and it is making us sick, heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, obesity and cancer that is what meat is doing to us. If you can live healthy and happy and satisfied without harming others then why aren’t you?

I have seen people come close to the footage, they have never seen anything like it, when they see the truth they break down, they want to know more, those people we help, we present them with the facts. We tell them what the footage is. From RSPCA farms, Red tractor approved and the slaughter they are witnessing is ‘humane’ as if there is a right way to kill someone who does not want to die. Those people are filled with guilt and remorse. We do not want this, we tell them we are all vegan here and we changed for the animals. We give them support and assign them a mentor on the Challenge 22 website. It gives you full vegan meal plans and advice. It gives them someone to talk to when they loose their way or don’t know what to substitute for a spaghetti bolognaise etc. It is never too late to change

From behind my mask I have seen it all. Behind a mask I am anonymous. Behind my mask I remain hidden so I can highlight the harm we as a species are causing all animals of our earth. I am anonymous for the voiceless. We are Anonymous for the voiceless. Animals don’t have a voice so you will NEVER stop hearing mine. Until every cage is empty, until every animal is free I will NEVER stop fighting for them.


Go Vegan.


(Sign from the Official animal rights march, London.)

I stand with them,

we are as one, loud, proud.

we are those who speak up, speak out, we feel their pain.

Share the pain.

I only wish we were more,

but at our core, we are strong.

such as shame that they all suffer, scream and die

There are those of us who try

not to cry

while showing the truth.

That there is no need to eat an animals,

flesh, parts or secretions

to live a healthy and happy life.

Don’t do it, do not pay someone,

to torture, mutilate or lower into gas chambers

the holocaust is over,

to take that knife and take the animals life.

All because you like the taste,

can you not see its just a waste,

of life, of love lost, of energy and most importantly

a waste of your empathy.

Because deep down inside, you know

truly know that this is wrong.

You could not do it yourself,

could not look into that animals eyes

and really try to justify

Eating him or her, burgers, steaks or sausages

when you know a life was taken for that

five minute taste pleasure.

listen to your heart, that inner voice

buried deep down in there,

that knows something is wrong

with eating the flesh of murder victims today,

an industry that makes us sick and fat,

that is ruining our planet, our very existence.

It is just not worth it.


A Vegan Rant

As a Vegan I can sometime get so upset by experiences I see and personally witness. The Truth I stand in the streets spreading, helping the animals, helping the planet, but most importantly helping you, to see the truth. It can therefore be extremely heart breaking when intelligent people refuse the truth, worst of all is the people close to you, who know the Truth, see the pain and suffering of all beings, animal and human. The world needs to go vegan or there will be no world, for our children’s children. In years to come they will ask , why didn’t they do something, what will be the answer, no one cared? people liked the taste of flesh? People were cruel? You can do something right now. Anyway here is a little rant I had published on a website;-

A Vegan Rant.
I have been a vegan for over three years now and before that vegetarian for twelve years. So for fifteen years I haven’t eaten meat. I am extremely healthy; I have no problem with protein deficiency. My iron levels are good and yes I get all the b12 my body needs. I get omega three from seeds. A plant based diet is the healthiest diet you can choose. That being said I do still eat my fare share of vegan junk food, such as Pizza and Cakes. Yes Vegans can eat everything a meat eater can. As I like to say, anything you can eat I can eat vegan. I personally know 2 qualified vegan nutritionists, both much Healthier than I. Both Meat and dairy have been classified by the World Health Organisation as a group one carcinogen, which means there is solid evidence that they contribute to cancer causing genes. That is a fact not an opinion. So if you can get all you need from Plant Proteins, and it’s better for your body, and better for the environment, i.e. saving water, land and reducing pollution. Not to mention it eliminates animal cruelty and the murder of innocent sentient beings then my question is why wouldn’t you choose to eat a vegan diet?
I recently went to the UK vegan camp out with six thousand other vegans. My sister came, a non vegan. After listening to an extremely inspirational man, Earthling Ed, She came away from the event vegan. She hasn’t consumed flesh or secretions from animals since. I’m very proud of her. She watched the footage, saw the animals, listened to the facts and chose to see the truth. She chose not to contribute to the suffering of millions of animals every day, chose to help her planet and not be another human killing our Mother Earth. She saw the truth of what is happening right now on farms all across the world. She chose not to see the lies and cover ups that the government and even the Rspca tell us. There is no such thing as humane slaughter. What is the right way, to murder someone who does not want to die? Can you tell me?
After the camp out I went to the official animal rights march in London with twelve thousand other vegans. We shouted and held signs to try to help the world see the truth. There is no excuse for animal abuse. If you wouldn’t hurt an animal then why pay someone else to do it for you. Just so you can dine on their flesh, which makes you ill. Stop and think about that for a minute. If you saw someone kicking a dog in the street, would you stop them, now imagine they are harming a pig, would stop them. The answer is probably yes. But from buying and consuming meat, you are paying someone else to harm animals behind the walls of a slaughter house. Don’t do it. Open your eyes and your heart to the suffering all around you. You stop buying meat, eggs and dairy, then the industry stop producing it, simple.
More recently I have found myself having to limit my time on social media, or skip past certain videos or images. Everywhere I look, I see more evidence of man’s cruelty. Individuals causing harm to cats and dogs. Then taking pictures of them. Proud of the harm they have caused. Men beating pigs, cows, and even horses and filming it. I say again there is no excuse for animal abuse. That goes for all animals. Why is the world so cruel, I am so ashamed to be human sometimes, my soul aches and my heart is heavy. But there is good in the world. Change is coming. I am a vegan activist and I have many friends. We are rising. We are strong. We stand together and give a voice to the voiceless. If you’re reading this a carnist, a meat eater please give Earthling Ed a follow and watch over on you tube, watch ‘cowspiracy’ on Netflix. Watch ‘land of hope and glory’ and watch ‘Dominion’. Educate yourself, get the facts and go vegan. But above all else please be kind. Be kind to every kind. My heart is breaking for the abuse we cause, the suffering we cause other sentient beings. Please help to end that. Go vegan.

Activists have it tough

As an Activist its important to take care of ourselves, The things we witness, the things we see, do and know often plays over in our mind like a horror movie that’s all too real, we work tirelessly on the streets to help others to know the truth, open their eyes, some people see it easily, others will scorn. We visit slaughter houses, holding vigils for the victims about to die, to let them know we see them, we are sorry and we are trying to end the suffering for all animals. showing them some comfort and love as they take their last breaths on this cruel earth. As activists seeing all this can take its toll on the mind, as I said before the screams and sights I personally have witnessed play over and over in my mind, and when I see someone eating the flesh of a murdered animal, I see the process, I hear the screams. There are plenty of activist self care work shops out there now to help with trauma, but just knowing you are not alone helps too, we are one, one goal, one mind, one voice. Vegans will always stand together and I am so grateful for my vegan family.  Remember activists, take care of yourself. Here is a sad poem I wrote of a fictional activist who couldn’t help himself. Help yourself, for it helps the animals.

His name was Lea

and he could see,

All the chaos in the Beauty.

He knew the truth

and so spoke up

told the world

what he had seen, learnt and witnessed,

but the world was blind

They would not hear, look, see

they mocked and scorned him,

laughed at what he said,

for they did not want to listen

did not want the truth.

His name was Lea

He tried to make them see,

tried to make it stop

help the victims, heal the world

he tried.

Struggled and Strived.

wanting all to survive

help the masses go vegan.

but they turned away.

He ended it that day

could take the memories no more

their faces, their screams playing over in his mind

Their pain too much, his pain too much

the world too cruel.

no-one could save Lea

as life flowed from his body, blood and pain left in one last breath.

Published again.

Recently I was approached by Vegan life magazine as they were doing a poetry corner in their magazine. Of course I said yes, and now I’m in Vegan life magazine, my favourite vegan mag. I haven’t blogged on here in a while, I have been super busy with my writing. Been working hard on my newest novel, I’m ten thousand words in but have been spending most of my time in research, facts and dates of real witches and witch trials, looking into Scottish myths and legends and falling deep into it I might add. loving every minute. I intend to send more query letters out this week for my other novel ‘Take me away’ and my children’s Christmas story, ‘Megan’s Christmas Tree’.  Looking forward to when my full time job is writing. Got a couple of poems to upload onto here so look out for those. I will try to post on here at least once a week up to Christmas. Go out and buy the Vegan life Mag, its full of  yummy vegan recipes, health advise, truths and articles, I promise you’ll love it. Live life Vegan.

The Cube of Truth

This was my sixth time working with the Doncaster animal action group and Anonymous for the Voiceless, which is a worldwide network of animal activists. I really  love going to these events, it helps change so many people’s perceptive of what goes on behind the doors of the slaughter houses, even if its free range, red tractor or RSPCA approved they all die the same way, if you wouldn’t kill an animal yourself then stop paying someone else to do it for you, consider going vegan. Here’s pictures and a poem inspired by my time in the cube.

A cube

of Truth

no lies, all honest

hard hitting

Video evidence.

A death sentence witnessed

to our fellow earthlings.

They are not here for us

they are here with us.

we are one.

we stand united

A voice for the voiceless.

we stand for the animals.


The Vigil today was heart breaking and powerful. we had an excellent turnout, a family from Lincoln came up with their four year old son who was born a vegan, he did an excellent job showing his sign to the cars that passed by. We had Vegan dogs too.

We had support from the community and the police, then the local newspaper turned up to interview us and take our picture. The chickens who are brought to slaughter are only six weeks old, they have never touched grass, never been in the sunlight, they are born, over fed then crammed into small crates where they cant even stand and brought to their deaths. They have never seen kindness, love or compassion. 12,000 an hour are killed here every day, for what, we don’t need to eat meat. Needless slaughter.

We stand united, we are Doncaster animal save, from the save movement, a world wide movement, we are here to say, we see you, we are trying and were sorry. We show them some love and compassion in their final moments of life. stop the needless murder of animals and go vegan.

here’s my poem inspired by these events.

A Vigil

bearing witness as thousands

come here, to meet their end.

Pointless, meaningless.

Their short lives, gone


in suffering, violence

and torture.

they feel pain, just like us.

We are here to show them

we are not all the same,

we give love, compassion

We see you, we understand

we are trying to change the world

and we are sorry.

We are the only ones

to show respect to them

at the end

at least they saw love just once

in the eyes of man.

Surely if they spoke

and had a religion

then man would be their devil.

A Vigil

Bearing witness

to the abuse of our fellow animals.

We are all here together