
The change is coming,

It creeps slowly

ever gaining.

life changing.

As the bud blooms

A dream comes to fruition

The flower opens

petals uncurling

Open to the sun.


Open to the new.

Th change is coming

What are you becoming

Only time will tell,

and as the petals fall

so too shall you

life changing


it is here

so embrace it

life ever changing.


Just a little poem there, inspired by all the changes that are happening in my life right now, my publishers are getting me ready to go out with my novel to bookshops in Yorkshire, to do readings and signings, so excited for that and also I have University coming up. Starting in September, so everything is changing for me. Still making and selling Dreamcatchers so don’t forget to check out, and get yourself a dream catcher or a journal.

Also don’t forget my poetry books over on Amazon if you want to support me during my studies. Heres the direct link. I have good reviews from this one but my other two are also good and on Amazon so go get yourself a copy.


My book.

I have great news, In December I signed a contract to get my novel ‘Take me away’ published. A real publishing company, they have assigned me an agent and an editor who I’m currently working with on my first set of edits. They believe with hard work and dedication that my book should be out by November of this year. Until then I have a lot of tidying up to do with my book baby, its time to edit, edit, edit. As I have probably mentioned before my book is a young adult fiction. Based in the real world and inspired by great stories such as, ‘Perks of being a wallflower’ and ‘Prozac nation’ and ’13 reasons why’. Mine is based in Yorkshire and I put a couple of my own misadventures in their and fabricated a story around growing up. The main character Danni is telling her story of life after school, through first times and hard times, she suffers with a form of Depression, although she is unaware of this at the beginning of the book, we follow her through self inflicted abuse, mental despair, drug usage and a volatile relationship. Its not all sad, it has ups and downs and some real funny moments. And of course what everyone wants, a happy ending for our Danni. I post here my foreword to my up coming debut novel. I hope you all buy my book when its available, and enjoy this sneak peak. xxxxx


Memory is a very powerful thing, some things you just can’t forget, no matter how hard you try. But they shape who we are and what we do in the here and now, what we hate, why we love and perhaps most important, why we change.
You’re going to read this book and think all kinds of things, let me get one thing out there, yes I suffer with Depression, I know that now, I didn’t then. I am a girl from Yorkshire, England and we don’t discuss this kind of stuff like they do in America, therapy, drugs and hospitals are not as normal over here, and although I am now on Prozac and things are looking up, I started my adult life already in a downward spiral, started going off the rails after leaving school, but thanks to a certain someone I am now, finally comfortable to truly be me, I am now getting better. It took a little longer to get to where I am now, but I like myself, how many people can honestly say that.
I hope this book does not upset or offend anyone, it is not intended to do so, it is just my teenage years, well some of them, OK just four of them. I guess what I’m trying to say is, please don’t judge me. We were all young once and who doesn’t like to try things and experiment. Also what the hell is normal anyway, who knows, no-one, there is no such thing. Anyway, my name is Danni and this is my story. A story of drugs, parties, rock and roll, no sex though in my case.

It was poison.
Those days are gone forever; I should just let them go, but…….
I Remember, I play things over and over. Do I wish that I could change them, yes, some? No?
I was young and wild and free.